Wellness In The Workplace: Why A Corporate Wellness Program Matters

As a business owner, it can be difficult to juggle all the responsibilities it takes to keep things running smoothly and you may be hesitant to explore the benefits of adding a wellness program to an already full plate. However, wellness in the workplace is more important than ever, as companies are often faced with employee shortages due to stress-related mental and physical illnesses. Incorporating a wellness presentation into your business is one way to inspire your employees to make healthy lifestyle choices that can benefit your business.

Increase activity

It is no secret that sitting at a desk all day is detrimental to the health of people. Some of the creative ways you can implement more activity into the workday is to have walking meetings for small groups of employees to get outside when the weather is nice. You may also consider replacing standard desks with standup desks for employees to become more active when working.

Have designated timeout areas

Being surrounded by noise and people all day can be draining for some employees. Establishing a few quiet locations within the workspace makes it easy for employees to take a short prayer or meditation break to clear their minds. It is even better if you have a few places outdoors for employees to seek solace if needed.

Make the workplace more attractive

Boring workplaces do little to encourage a peaceful mind. If your office is outdated and consists only of metal desks and chairs, it may be time for a renovation. Adding attractive décor and live plants to an office will give it an appearance boost. 

Give your employees smart water bottles

Encourage water drinking by supplying employees with water bottles that link to health apps to track water intake. These smart bottles make it fun for employees to compete with each other and get healthier at the same time. Smart bottles also help reduce waste created by disposable plastic water bottles.

Keep the breakroom healthy

For those pursuing a healthy lifestyle, the breakroom is often off-limits. Having fresh fruit, cheese sticks, nuts, pretzels, and granola bars in the break room will make it easy for employees to choose healthy options rather than sugary snacks.

Healthy employees tend to be happy employees. Learning to make healthy lifestyle choices will not only be great for your employees, but it will also be good for your business. Showing you care about your employees by adding a corporate wellness program to the workplace is sure to boost the morale of your employees. For more information on corporate wellness presentation, contact a professional near you.
